Archive for News – Page 2

Autumn News

Despite the endless rain over the past few months, this has not put a dampener on the children’s enthusiasm! Our young age 3 – 4’s have been incredible and have settled well. The older boys and girls continue to develop their skills, and some are beginning to show themselves as ‘feisty’ defenders, or ‘nifty’ attackers! […]

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What’s on during the Summer at Kids Works

The summer term brings out the best in everyone and whilst we are sorry to be losing some of our elite 13 year olds, we have welcomed many new faces to Kids Works. The warmer weather brings a real family buzz to the classes. With the prospect of those long summer holidays ahead, Kids Works […]

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What’s on this Summer

Don’t we just love the advent of Spring and the prospect of warmth and growth! The lead up to Easter is upon us and with that, thoughts as to how best to occupy our budding soccer stars over the Easter break. Our fun filled soccer camp provides the ideal mix of skills and match play […]

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What’s On this Spring

Autumn term, thankfully, was mild and pleasant and enabled us to run a full programme of activities where the children have developed such confidence and skill. From age 3-12, they continue to amaze me with their sheer love of football and how eager they all are to learn. We now look ahead to the new […]

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What’s On

Autumn term is now upon us, and after such a hot and dry summer, everyone is no doubt raring to go! The soccer summer camp was a great success and we are now taking bookings for soccer camps for next year. Our next camp is: Easter Camp Mon 8th – Thurs 11th April 2019 Book […]

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