Archive for News

Summer Term End

With the excitement of the Euro’s, football fever ruled throughout the term and our enthusiastic players had a few tricks to show – no doubt learnt from their idols! The end of term produced some incredibly close results and some excellent play.

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Summer Term Fun

Our Springtime Tournament was a busy one with some remarkably close results! A great morning for the children to take part in some competitive fun and all the more enjoyed by the chance of winning our ‘spot prizes’! Summer term is now fast approaching and Palewell Common becomes a hive of activity on our football […]

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Winter round up

Another year ends and despite the wet and muddy conditions our end of term Tournament was closely fought. Fantastic play by everyone and a great atmosphere. Santa even made an appearance despite the soggy morning and was welcomed with a rainbow! With term now finished, we look forward to a new year and to seeing […]

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Book now for Spring!

As 2023 approaches we look back on a fantastic year of football that ended on another high with a closely fought Tournament, even a penalty shoot out to match the excitement of the World Cup! The confidence and exuberance of the children has been a joy to witness. The fact that we acknowledged a few […]

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Summer Term Fun

Having kick-started Easter with our active soccer camp, we now are thrilled to be starting the ‘sizzling’ summer term! Palewell Common is such a great venue with our amazing pitches alongside a café and playground; all help to keep siblings and adults occupied! Our classes are a great way for the children to keep fit, […]

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Summer 2021 News

The summer soccer camps were a great success and continued to challenge the keen footballers in both their skill level and match play! So many parents commented on how much the groups had improved over the week – so lovely to see! Autumn term beckons and we look forward to welcoming familiar and new faces […]

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We are back!

The Summer term started with such excitement and it was fantastic to see the children enjoying what they do naturally… Their enthusiasm and energy were boundless and the simple joy of meeting up with all their friends, outside in safe and structured sessions, was so rewarding to see. As the term progresses, we will continue […]

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Christmas Greetings and best wishes for 2021

We will all look back on this past year with mixed feelings and, for us at Kids Works, it has been a rollercoaster of a year. Despite the lows, we have been especially touched by all the kind words of encouragement and support from you. And the highs? Undoubtedly, seeing the children join in so […]

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Autumn Term

Our soccer camps were a huge success and very popular! It was so lovely to see the children so engrossed in all the challenges and match play. They certainly were ready for activity and the glorious weather was an added bonus!! Our thoughts turn to Autumn and bookings have been open for a couple of […]

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Summer News

With the abrupt ending of our Spring Term back in March, it has been a strange and unsettling time for many. We have discovered new challenges during ‘lockdown’ and have emerged on the other side ‘raring to go’! There is still much uncertainty and caution…. We are hopeful that classes will be back to normal soon […]

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